Showing 913–928 of 1927 results
Movie poster designed for Robert Fuest’s adaptation of Emily Brontë’s romantic novel by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: Wuthering Heights
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1974
- Poster size: A3 (41.5 x 29.1 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Advertising poster designed for Czechoslovak Spartakiad promoting the necessity of maintaining sport activities by Unknown Artist.
- Poster title: Fit 75
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1975
- Poster size: A2 (59 x 42 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for Karel Zeman’s miraculous fantasy tale by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: A Journey to the Beginning of Time
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1975
- Poster size: A3 (42.6 x 28.8 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for Kamil Yarmatov’s biographical tale of Uzbek poetess Nadira by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: Alone Among the People
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1975
- Poster size: A3 (39.9 x 28.8 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Additional typography movie poster designed for 1970s screening of Karel Zeman’s magical adaptation of Jules Verne’s book by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: Invention for Destruction
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1975
- Poster size: A3 (41.5 x 29 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for the screening of short documentaries depicting the beauty of France and Portugal by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: Lively Globe
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1975
- Poster size: A3
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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