Showing 401–416 of 1076 results
Movie poster for 60s documentary about the history of flight with alluring illustration by Czech artist Dobroslav Foll.
- Movie title: The Time of Wings
- Poster design: Dobroslav Foll, 1967
- Poster size: A3 (41.1 x 28.4 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Striking movie poster design for Milan Kundera’s adaptation by Slovak audiovisual artist Milan Grygar. Movie has been banned from the screening in the early 1970s and remained in state owned safe until 1990.
- Movie title: The Joke
- Poster design: Milan Grygar, 1968
- Poster size: A3 (38.2 x 28.2 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Romantic poster design for movie adaptation of Vladislav Vančura’s short stories by Slovak audio-visual artist Milan Grygar.
- Movie title: Queen Dorothea’s Bow
- Poster design: Milan Grygar, 1970
- Poster size: A3 (39.8 x 28.8 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster for screening of children’s puppet and animated shorts by Czech graphic designer, illustrator and fine artist Zdeněk Seydl.
- Movie title: Evening in T-shirt …
- Poster design: Zdeněk Seydl, 1963
- Poster size: A3 (41 x 28.5 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for Jan Valášek’s adaptation of Karel Jaromír Erben’s fairy tale by Czech graphic designer, illustrator and fine artist Zdeněk Seydl.
- Movie title: Three Golden Hairs of Grandpa Know-All
- Poster design: Zdeněk Seydl, 1963
- Poster size: A3 (37.2 x 26.7 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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