Showing 593–608 of 2054 results
Movie poster designed for Josef Pinkava’s fantasy tale with brilliant artwork by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: The Wishing Machine
- Poster design: Unknown Poster Artist, 1968
- Poster size: A1 (81.6 x 56.3 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for the screening of children’s shorts and animations with magical illustration by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Movie title: How the Piggy from the Picture Got to It’s Tail
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1969
- Poster size: A3 (40 x 30.2 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Advertising poster designed possibly for a state owned shopping centre with lovely illustration by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Poster title: Boys, Kites up in the Sky!
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1970s
- Poster size: A2 (59.4 x 42 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Advertising poster designed for Czechoslovak Red Cross Lottery with astonishing illustration by Unknown Artist.
- Poster title: Czechoslovak Red Cross Lottery
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1970s
- Poster size: A2 (58.3 x 41.1 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Exhibition poster designed for the Jewish Museum in Prague’s showcase of manuscripts and old prints by Czechoslovak Unknown Artist.
- Poster title: Hebrew Manuscripts and Old Prints
- Poster design: Unknown Artist, 1970s
- Poster size: A1 (82.1 x 57.6 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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