Showing 145–160 of 4075 results
Movie poster for Polish drama about high divers starring Zbigniew Cybulski with fine design by Czech artist Zdeněk Kaplan.
- Movie title: Mexico Tomorrow
- Poster design: Zdeněk Kaplan, 1967
- Poster size: A3 (39.8 x 29.3 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Exhibition poster designed for Military Historical Museum by Czech fine artist, graphic designer and illustrator Radomír Kolář.
- Poster title: Military Historical Museum
- Poster design: Radomír Kolář, 1951-57
- Poster size: A1 (83.6 x 58.5 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Exhibition poster for the anniversary of National Technical Museum in Prague with fantastic design by Czech artist and typographer Jiří Rathouský.
- Poster title: National Technical Museum 1908 – 1968
- Poster design: Jiří Rathouský, 1968
- Poster size: Large (96 x 66.5 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
Sold poster.
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National Theatre Prague poster designed for Giuseppe Verdi’s opera by Czech artists Jiří Anderle and Bronislav Malý.
- Poster title: Traviata, Giuseppe Verdi
- Poster design: Jiří Anderle / Bronislav Malý, 1979
- Poster size: Large A1 ( 82.9 x 58.1 cm)
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster designed for Tamás Rényi’s comedy with marvellous illustration by Czech artist Jiří Šalamoun.
- Movie title: Tales of a Long Journey
- Poster design: Jiří Šalamoun, 1963
- Poster size: A3 (40.5 x 82.7 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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Movie poster for Ingmar Bergman’s drama starring Liv Ullmann with fantastic illustrated artwork by Czech artist Jiří Šalamoun.
- Movie title: Shame
- Poster design: Jiří Šalamoun, 1972
- Poster size: A1 (81.6 x 57.1 cm)
- Poster condition: N/A
jozefSquare poster archive.
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