Movie Poster – Swashbuckler, Stanislav Duda, 1977
Poster designed for James Goldstone’s movie by Stanislav Duda. Made in Czechoslovakia.
- Movie title: Swashbuckler
- Poster design: Stanislav Duda, 1977
- Poster size: A1
- Poster condition: N/A
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Swashbuckler movie poster.
- title: Swashbuckler | Buccaneer | Nepřemožytelý bukanýr | USA , 1976
- director: James Goldstone
- with: Robert Shaw, James Earl Jones, Peter Boyle
poster design: Stanislav Duda, 1977
Stanislav Duda‘s posters are full of humour, fascinating combination of colours and almost childish naivety. Phenomenal poster artist with incredibly long poster designing experience. You can read more about him in our poster blog.
Awarded posters:
- 1964 – Honourable mention for Harold Lloyd in his best Comedies movie poster. International Film Festival, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
- 1965 − 1st Prize for The Haunted Castle / Strašidla ze Spessartu movie poster. Filmplakat Wien, Austria
- 1984 – Silver Hugo for Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid movie poster. Chicago Film Festival, USA
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