Movie Poster – Prefab Story, Jaroslav Fišer, 1979


Fantastic movie poster designed by Jaroslav Fišer for Věra Chytilová’s insight into the life of the housing estate.

  • Movie title: Prefab Story
  • Poster design: Jaroslav Fišer, 1979
  • Poster size: Large A1 (79.7 x 57.8 cm)
  • Poster condition: Very nice

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    Excellent movie poster by Jaroslav Fišer.

    poster design: Jaroslav Fišer, 1979

    Movie poster designed for Věra Chytilová’s wonderful portrait of a life at the housing estate in communist Czechoslovakia. Poster is folded into eights. Slight crease across edges and folds. Poster is in large A1 format (79.7 x 57.8 cm). Very nice condition (NOT PHOTOGRAPHED, PLEASE ASK IF YOU WISH TO SEE A PHOTO).

    Movie posters in our collection were promotional materials. Posters used on display in the cinemas across the former Czechoslovakia. They bear signs of their age.


    Please see other interesting

    movie posters designed for movies of Věra Chytilová.

    Or explore fascinating collection of

    posters by Jaroslav Fišer available in our archive.


    You can also read interesting article about Jaroslav Fišer and his movie posters for Věra Chytilová‘s movies in our poster blog.


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