Propaganda Poster – February 1948, Jaroslav Kodejš, 1978
Propaganda poster designed for celebration of Victorious February when Communist party won the election by Czech graphic designer and pedagogue Jaroslav Kodejš.
- Poster title: February 1948
- Poster design: Jaroslav Kodejš, 1978
- Poster size: A1 (83.8 x 60 cm)
- Poster condition: Nice
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Propaganda poster promoting physical education of true socialists based on February 1948 events.
- Únor 1948 otevřel cestu k sjednocení a rozvoji Československé tělovýchovy / Tělesná kultura – nedílná součást socialistické společnosti.
- February 1948 opened the way to the unification and development of Czechoslovak physical education / Physical culture – an integral part of socialist society.
poster design: Jaroslav Kodejš, 1978
Poster is in large A1 format (83.8 x 60 cm). Creased, folded with several small cracks on edges. Few small spots across. Nice condition (NOT PHOTOGRAPHED, PLEASE ASK IF YOU WISH TO SEE A PHOTO).
Posters in our collection were promotional materials. Posters used on display in the cinemas across the former Czechoslovakia. They bear signs of their age.
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