Movie Poster – Knight of the TV Screen, Ján Meisner, 1975


Movie poster designed for István Bácskai Lauro’s comedy with excellent illustration by Slovak graphic designer, illustrator and pedagogue Ján Meisner.

  • Movie title: Knight of the TV Screen
  • Poster design: Ján Meisner, 1975
  • Poster size: A3 (40 x 29 cm)
  • Poster condition: N/A

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    Ján Meisner’s fantastic poster illustration for 70s Hungarian comedy.

    poster design: Ján Meisner, 1975


    Ján Meisner is a Slovak artist, typographer, illustrator and graphic designer, living in Zlín, Czech Republic where he has been teaching (with a short break) at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications at the University of Thomas Bata since 1996. Jan Meisner studied at the at the School of Applied Arts, Prague (1960 – 1967) and became one of the most prominent Slovak movie poster designers, creating over 40 beautiful movie posters. Meisner’s free use of various art techniques such as collage, drawing, photograph helps to create a visual unity between the movie and the poster.


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